Sleepy Child's Pose: on your knees in bed, put your toes together and separate your knees so you can fit one or multiple pillows lengthwise between your knees. Rest forward onto the pillows, either facing ahead or to the side (if to the side just be sure to switch sides halfway). Also option to put a pillow between your heels and glutes widthwise if you're not comfortable resting hips to heels.
Half Pigeon Pose: from your hands and knees, bring one knee to your wrist on the same side and your ankle as close as you can to your other wrist - trying to make the calve parallel to the head of your bed (but it doesn't have to be completely parallel). Make this typical yoga pose more comfy by adding a pillow, maybe folded over for more leverage, below your seat on the leg you bring forward. This will help to square your hips, allowing you to safely recline forward with your upper body. Pile pillows below your upper body as high as is comfortable, rest your arms on the pillows and your chin or forehead on top of your hands.
Release tension by using pillows as props while you sleep: If you sleep on your back, place a pillow lengthwise below your knees. If you sleep on your side, put a pillow lengthwise between your knees. This helps to even out your posture while you sleep so you awake feeling less tight and tense.
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