What motivates you to workout?
I continually strive to be the best version of myself both mentally and physically. For me, working out and eating healthfully serve as the foundation to that ever evolving journey.
What are your favorite classes at ENRGi?
Bags and Bells. I am also digging the new gravity classes.
How do you recover post workout?
Embarrassingly, if you would have asked me that a couple of months ago I wouldn't have had much to write. However, I've recently taken full advantage of the gravity yoga/recover classes and have experienced the positive benefits both in and out of the gym. I also indulge in massages when I can and of course the normatec recovery sessions.
What is your guilty pleasure?
My other life goal (besides the whole 'being the best version...') involves: Burgers. With that, my runner up life goal is to try all the 'must-have' burgers in Chicago and wherever my travels take me. (At the risk of starting a burger war, IMO, Au Cheval's burger is good, but not the best in the city).