Sunday, January 1, 2017

Members Spotlight, Jan 2017 - Eliana & Abby

Eliana and Abby joined ENRGi in early 2016 and have been hooked ever since. Although they are die-hard morning attendees, you can see them Wednesday evenings knocking out two-a-days!

What motivates you to workout?
Eliana: Feeling good and seeing results! Also, having Abby as a gym buddy has made me much more motivated to get to the gym every morning.
Abby: The fact that i've lost 2 pant sizes since I started last January. resulting boost in mood and energy afterward, plus a desire to maintain my health.

What are your favorite classes at ENRGi?
Eliana: SWAT and Warrior are great because they break up the workout so time flies by. Hanging upside on a hammock in Gravity Fit has become my new favorite thing.
Abby: Anything Fred because he takes my complaining and he's so nice about it.

How do you recover post workout?
Eliana: Lying on the couch and watching the Bachelor (probably not the right answer)
Abby: Brunch with Eliana and Mike after SWAT on Saturdays. 

What is your guilty pleasure?
Eliana: Wine and donuts.
Abby: Anything hello kitty! 

7 Ways We Can Help You Stick to Your Resolutions

As another year closes it's time to evaluate this one and set endless goals for the new one! Many of you may have the same goal, and it may be the exact same as last year: to improve your level of fitness. Whether you've been working out for years or you're new to the game there's always room for growth - the trick is sticking with it! 

Here are 7 ways we can help you stay committed to your 2017 fitness goals:

One of the most common factors that leads to dropping out is the misconception that "getting in shape" requires hours at the gym. FALSE. There are several studies now that prove it's not about the duration, it's all about the intensity. ENRGi offers 30 min classes that are sure to spike your heart rate... and your fat burning metabolism.

Map out your workouts in advance:
Classes open at 6am one week in advance. The earlier you sign up the more likely you are to keep that commitment! Plan around the workout rather than planning your workout around everything else.

Compliment your classes with personal training:
If you're seeking help with a specific goal one of ENRGi's trainers might be a great resource for you. Personal training provides a workout specific to your needs but also gives you the one on one guidance and push that may be hard to receive in a group setting. Don't be afraid to ask your favorite instructor about personal training options! Love them all? Email and we can connect you with our available trainers.

Join the Workout Challenge:
Offered for a limited time, this unlimited membership is an awesome option if you need an extra push and money is a key motivator. While it's the cheapest option for unlimited classes each month, you need to come at least 16x to avoid additional charges. This membership can be your best friend or worst enemy. Look online or ask the front desk for more details.

Create SMART goals:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely elements attached to your goal will help you take the necessary steps towards actually reaching your goal. For example, instead of saying "this year I will live a healthier lifestyle" take time to quantify what "healthy" means to you. Is your goal to lose weight? Gain muscle? Improve nutrition? Add more daily activity? Once you've decided your specific goal think about what key elements will bring you closer to it. Then give yourself attainable and realistic guidelines with a close ended time frame (that also needs to be realistic!). Need more assistance with this? See the previous section about Personal Training.

Grab a friend or meet someone new:
Attending classes with a friend is a great way to hold each other accountable...and have way more fun! If you already have a workout buddy - awesome! - check out the next section for our private group class options. For those of you trying a new gym solo take this time to meet someone new! Group activities provides a great opportunity to introduce yourself to others in class, give out a few high fives, and cheer someone on during an exercise.

Grab a friend...or ten! 
Looking for an active business event, bachelor/bachelorette sweat before the big night, or just want a more personal atmosphere to workout for you and your friends? Any of our instructors are available for private group classes. Look online or ask the front desk for more details. 

-Written by ENRGi Lead Instructor, Theresa. Email if you'd like to inquire about personal training, memberships, and/or private group classes.